
Amel Karboul
Dr Amel Karboul is a social entrepreneur, businesswoman, author and politician. She is passionate about working with leaders, teams and organisations to assist them in creating breakthroughs in their thinking and transforming themselves. She has a master’s with honours in Mechanical Engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, and a doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University in the UK, and is a visiting professor at DukeCE, the world’s top-ranked custom executive education programme.
She has had leadership roles at Mercedes-Benz and DaimlerChrysler, and senior consultant roles at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg. She founded highly respected international coaching and consulting institution CLP (Change, Leadership & Partners) and quickly became known as an award-winning executive coach, published author and trusted sparring partner for CEOs of global organisations, family-owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
She is a member of the Global Diplomacy Lab and an advisory board member of World Travel Forum Lucerne and the Global Business Coalition for education. Until February 2015, she was Minister of Tourism in the Tunisian transition government appointed after the successful quartet negotiations (Nobel Peace Prize 2015), and she has been nominated as one of 10 leading young African politicians. She recently published her newest book, Coffin Corner, which outlines a new leadership culture suited to the complexity and dynamics of the 21st century.

The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) is a think-and-do tank founded in 2011 on the premise of supporting further Maghreb integration and unlocking economic and social growth. With a population of 90 million, the five founding members – Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia – can create a solid social and economic space to thrive in an era of globalisation and digitalisation.
MEF’s vision for the region is:
– Countries led by strong and effective institutions in the state, the private sector and civil society.
– Accountable and transparent governments alongside active citizen participation.
– Inclusive, competitive, job-creating and growing economy.
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Zenith Talk
This Talk was one of many at zenithTALK Casablanca
In Casablanca young social entrepreneurs came together, discussing new approaches of education, social development and start-ups.