
Ines Amri
Ines Amri is an activist, teacher and expert in founding and establishing socially-minded startups. Currently based in Tunis, she originally hails from Gabes in southern Tunisia, where her work with local activist networks and rights-focused projects at the time of the 2011 revolution saw her become a respected advocate and force for change.
In May 2012, Ines founded and became President of Organisation Volonté et Citoyenneté (Will and Citizenship Organisation), a youth-led, post-revolution NGO formed to promote the importance of civil society, social entrepreneurship and human rights in shaping Tunisia’s future. She was nominated to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) in the US, and was one of four Tunisian delegates to work for the US Congress, in the office of Congresswoman Betty McCollum.
Ines was subsequently appointed Visiting Scholar at the Institute of the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) at Columbia University in New York City. She is also an alumnus of the American Islamic Congress (AIC) and the Cultural Innovators Network (CIN).
Ines’ broad range of experience led to her being head-hunted for her current position as Deputy Secretary General and Director of the Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF), a think-and-do tank focused on supporting Maghreb integration and unlocking economic and social growth. Ines is passionate about embracing her hybrid identity as both a world citizen and a local activist. Her zenith talk will offer insight into her unique approach to leadership, and how it has made her a sought-after strategic planner and consultant. Ines is a dynamic and compelling speaker – this is one not to miss.

The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF) is a think-and-do tank founded in 2011 on the premise of supporting further Maghreb integration and unlocking economic and social growth. With a population of 90 million, the five founding members – Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia – can create a solid social and economic space to thrive in an era of globalisation and digitalisation.
MEF’s vision for the region is:
– Countries led by strong and effective institutions in the state, the private sector and civil society.
– Accountable and transparent governments alongside active citizen participation.
– Inclusive, competitive, job-creating and growing economy.
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Zenith Talk
This Talk was one of many at zenithTALK Berlin 2
The scale of social challenges in the MENA region and new opportunities created by technological innovation are bringing a new generation of leaders to come to the fore, both in business and in civil society.